Thursday, January 24, 2008


ok long time no post cos no time and for the first time in years that i'm being given bedtime.

ok rant over, now time for more philo! whee!

ok mr lau was going on and on about morality, so i shall touch on it as well.
what is morality? is there a universal right and wrong? lets start on the very basics: what others think. many prefer to keep the opinion that morality is universal. why? simple reason, if it isn't, it threatens our importance. man prefers to think that they are more important than the dust under our feet. the bible shows that fact: "Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth."" were we meant to have dominion over everything? what separates us from animals? many say the ability to differentiate right from wrong puts us above all animals. (once again, we became man when we ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil)
if we were to say that morality was defined by society, we are refuting two facts simultaneously: the fact that God did not create morals, and that we are no better than animals under the illusion that we are better.
now why do i say that morality was defined by society? will smith said:
"Even Hitler didn't wake up going, 'let me do the most evil thing I can do today.' I think he woke up in the morning and using a twisted, backwards logic, he set out to do what he thought was 'good.' " poor guy, will smith got labeled as pro-hitler and slammed in the face by the press. how many actually realised that if Germany had won world war II, Germany would be right and USA would be wrong? will was right. hitler didn't wake up going let me do the most evil thing i can do today. he did what he thought was good. however, will does believe that hitler is a vicious man. i say that hitler is simply a man who's values contradict the rest of society. oh and he happened to be the most influential man in germany. these people truly believe in their values and to them, it really is true.
how do moral values arise from man? meritocracy, capitalism; products of selfishness. yet, they are widely accepted throughout the world. evolution defined that value. love, compassion, selflessness, "for the sake of mankind", also product of evolution. defined by society to ensure order.

if we were to realise that moral values are not universal, will society fall to chaos? can a man say that my values are such that i like to kill people, so i can; my values simply differ from the rest and i am not wrong? wouldn't another hitler come up and say my values tell me that people who live on mars are wrong and i'm right, so i can kill them? actually no. social values have always been supported by the opinion that moral values are absolute, thus order can be kept. this concept will limit the growth of mankind. in order for mankind to advance, certain rules are set: no crime-to ensure that all are working in the direction to advance science/mankind. human rights- only through selflessness can a society advance to the next stage of evolution. love-altruism.
so to end it all, morals are not set by a higher being, neither is it a rule of the universe. it was defined by humanity, and will always be. yet, only by abiding by it, will humanity advance.
darn. now my ending's getting completely incoherent.

ok so now i'm getting bored reading comments from stupid people over will smith's quote, so time to go!

oh and i still want an Xbox 360

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


ok blame me for being bored while doing my physics homework. doing it just makes my mind wander. so, this time i ended up thinking about friction. in physics one usually ignores friction since it makes the system non conservative. think about it: the only way for friction to possibly not exist is in a universe where everything is indestructible.

imagine this: assume a perfectly smooth surface against another. now imagine an object that is not indestructible. this means you can cut it, grind it and so on. thus, if you cut it to very small pieces (powdery), and coat it neatly on the 2 previously mentioned surfaces, you now get a rough surface.
there. now friction applies again to these two surfaces. cool huh?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

My first post

ok this is my first post, so i'm not sure what to put in exactly. so i shall start with the first thing i thought about when i was very young. why do people die?
answer 15 years ago: why? can i not?
answer 10 years ago: God decided he didn't deserve to live anymore so bye bye
answer 5 years ago: Man will die one day. it just happen to happen
answer now:why do we ask why? death is part of the flow of life. simply because we die, do we cherish those around us. one should not question the existence of death. rather one should accept it and move on.

"do you fear death?"
no one does. we think we do. we simply fear losing what we gained in life. we fear how we die. we fear what will happen after we die. what did we gain in life? love, happiness, money, family, experience. what is left when we die? money does not follow us through to death. family? when your immediate relatives die too, is family still there after death? love? same. will we feel happy after we die? i don't think so. whether there is an afterlife, emotions will no longer apply. why should we fear losing what we gained in life? everything will be lost at the end. HOWEVER, we should strive to make a difference in everyone we meet. only then, will something remain after we die. how will we die? is there a need to be afraid of it? they say that the journey is more important than the end. does it apply to death too? when you finally die, do you remember how you died? will thinking about how you are going to die change anything? in fact, will it not just affect everyone around you? finally, what happens after we die? does it matter? now that is a question to think about next time.