Friday, July 25, 2008

Other catalyst for hydrogen…

Hmm interesting… once again, man gets technology from nature.

Iron and carbon monoxide are the crucial ingredients that nature uses to process hydrogen, according to researchers. Resolving the structure of the last of the three known hydrogenase enzymes has excited chemists, who are keen to follow nature's clear advice and develop their own hydrogen catalysts for energy applications.

The dream of replacing oil with hydrogen is in danger of stalling without a cheap and clean way to make it and release its stored chemical energy. The best synthetic catalysts use platinum to do those jobs — which involve splitting hydrogen molecules into ions, or recombining the ions to make molecules again. But this rare, expensive metal is hardly the answer to sustainable living.

Nature manages the process with a cheap metal – iron. There are three iron-containing hydrogenase enzymes to choose from. All three are found in unrelated organisms that have evolved their enzymes separately. Two have been found in bacteria in soil and oil wells; the third is used to provide energy for certain microbes living around hydrothermal vents, by combining hydrogen and carbon dioxide to make methane.

The first two contain a pair of metal atoms at their active site — either iron–iron, or iron–nickel — buried deep inside the enzymes' structures. But researchers in Germany, led by Seigo Shima at the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology in Marburg, and Ulrich Ermler at the Max-Planck Institute for Biophysics in Frankfurt, have now achieved what others had failed to do — figure out the detailed structure of the third hydrogenase, known as [Fe] hydrogenase.

Mix and match

The active site in [Fe] hydrogenase is light sensitive, so previous crystal structures had shown just the bare skeleton of the enzyme, leaving biochemists in the dark about exactly how it worked.

To get a high-quality crystal of the enzyme, Shima and Ermler's groups first took the active part of the hydrogenase from Methanothermobacter marburgensis, and separately extracted the enzyme without its active component from another organism, Methanocaldococcus jannaschii.

The active site of [Fe] hydrogenase hooks up with carbon monoxide, water and an unknown ligand (Unk).SCIENCE

They then reconstituted the whole active enzyme by carefully mixing the two together in a dark, air-free environment. This gave enough material to grow a crystal of the intact enzyme, the structure of which is published in Science1.

[Fe] hydrogenase's active site has just one iron atom, linked to two CO groups and two other organic groups. The active site also contains an as-yet uncharacterized ligand, and another vacant site which, in the team's structure, is occupied by water (see graphic, right).

The structure shows that the enzyme splits hydrogen in a different way to the other two hydrogenases. Normally, a molecule of hydrogen is split by a metal at the centre of the enzyme, leaving positive and negative hydrogen ions. The positive ion is whipped away, whereas the negatively charged hydride has its two electrons removed to make another positively charged ion.

Once, twice, three times an enzyme

But [Fe] hydrogenase has an active site that sits near the edge of the enzyme. When the hydrogen molecule is broken up, the negative hydride is quickly grabbed by an organic molecule that also sits near the enzyme's surface. This mopped-up hydride is eventually used by the host organism to make methane.

"It works quite differently, it's very surprising," says Tom Rauchfuss, a catalysis expert at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. But the three hydrogenases have an obvious similarity — all three active sites contain an iron atom stuck to a CO group. "This is almost a religious moment," says Rauchfuss. "This is nature saying three times: I like iron and CO

Both metal and ligand seem to be crucial, says Juan Fontecilla-Camps at Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble, France. "These active sites are the only ones known that have CO bound to metal," he says. "The iron–CO unit is unique to hydrogen metabolism."

John Peters, an expert on the iron–iron hydrogenase enzyme at Montana State University in Bozeman, reckons that organic chemists will now look for ways to make the molecule that mops up the freshly minted hydride ion, whereas inorganic chemists will try to produce a range of structures based on iron and CO. Between them, they might just take nature's hint and create a catalyst to keep the hydrogen dream alive.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

School project? Crazy effort more like.

Ok, I usually won't put these kinds of rants on my blog, but I think this one's worth it ^^


So, yesterday, normal day, went to class, rushed homework. I was about to leave, when I saw the sad, sad, condition of our house mascot. Really, a dragon? It looks like an elderly, toothless crocodile. So, I decided to stay. Anyway, 963 is always so darn crowded that by 6pm, the bus wouldn't even stop for you. So, I listened in on what was needed to be done, which was obviously, a lot. The whiskers of the dragon was soft, the paper Mache thingy they did to cover the boxes was still wet, there was no eye of the dragon (pun not intended for the fans of ninja gaiden), head was unbalanced... So who was left to deal with this hunk of junk? Me, Nat, Jingmin and Aaron. 4 people to handle a head. We decided that we would need some extra materials, so Nat volunteered to go out in his dad's car and buy the lot. Aaron got bored and went off to handle his stuff first, saying that he'd come back later when Nat arrives. So there we were, stuck between staring at a soggy dragon head and watching a more entertaining show: Fleming doing THEIR mascot.

Their mascot is griffin. Which griffin? The one with the eagle stuck to the torso of a lion, or simply a huge eagle? Whatever the case, not much difference if you're just gonna make the head yea? It still looks like a large bird. Whatever the case was, they asked Michael to buy a wok, to act as a helmet and a support. Idea was pretty good. They also got him to buy masking tape and… something else. So essentially, the whole Fleming team sat there waiting for a clueless boy to come back with some of the weirdest combinations of materials possible. Daniel told me Michael was really blur. "I told him to buy a wok. He asked me metal or wooden" -.- I've never heard of a wooden wok. As long as Michael doesn't come back with a ladle, Fleming ain't killing him, and my source of entertainment would be gone. So we waited for him to be back. (and Nat wasn't back yet.) 10min ETA, Yunhui said that Michael couldn't find a wok, so he bought a cooker instead. *grins* someone's gonna die! During that 10min, we laughed over a huge running joke about buying hookers off the cash converters (someone misheard cooker). When Michael returned, we had the biggest laugh of our lives. Our good friend here bought a steamboat set, heating element included. It was HILARIOUS! Oh well, with Johnny on their team, they quickly got the heating element off, and got to work. In the mean time, I had gotten bored with their team and I went back to our sorry headset. NAT'S NOT BACK!!!

He finally returned with all the things we needed, together with his dad's car tool kit. Aaron came back, and we got to work stripping the hangers as backing for the whiskers. In the mean time, Jingmin went on to paint the boney plates of the dragon. Nat was having fun trying to make the dragon's nostrils. Aaron helped some, then went off for study time. By the time he was back, we managed to strip all the hangers, attach 2 to the whiskers, and we were already trying to staple it to the front of the dragon. Johnny was really nice and gave us some thin wires to fasten the whiskers to the head. ½ hour later, my dad arrived to pick me up. We weren't done yet, so I asked for his help. With his brilliant idea, we realized we could make life easier by making holes in the top of the head to slide the horns through. Now to make the horns. After awhile, curfew, so Aaron had to go back. Strength, back to me, Jingmin and Nat. Soon, DUDE came by. (we decided to call the security guard that after arguments on what name to call him) He told us that we couldn't stay here any longer as it was already 10 30. For some reason, we didn't even have time to pack. What to do? That guy was doing his job. Nat went crazy. He suddenly thought of a crazy idea to bring everything out of the school, sit next to the AYE where the bus stop is, and do the rest there. So, we happily moved everything there, and plunked our butts down on the pavement and started working. DUDE couldn't do anything since we were already out of the school. My dad went home first to put my bag back. After awhile, we realized that we were down to less than 2m of masking tape. PANIC! We were stuck outside school, with almost no masking tape left, and the bus drivers were staring at us for being such a sight. More Nat crazy ideas. He came up with this completely nutcase idea to get Aaron to throw the masking tape out of the school campus onto the pavement. So there we were, me, sitting there and cutting cardboard and endangering my jewels, Jingmin either drawing the designs, or painting, and Nat running up and down trying to organize a masking tape throwing contest. Of course it failed. Landed on the curb inside the school. More crazy ideas, CMF's turn. She stays on the 10 floor I think? So that means more distance and thus further? Possibly. So, more masking tape throwing contest. Nat helped us while CMF went around trying to find more masking tape. By the way, to all anti nobellers, the horns on the dragon head are also hanger wire reinforced. Do not try to smash it or you might end up in hospital. So, anyway, by the time she was done, we had already made the frills for the dragon. Out of cardboard. Frail frills… regardless, we were happily getting ready to get our masking tape when nice teacher comes (I'm starting to forget names already ><). She realized that we were stuck outside school with limited masking tape and a Jingmin who was freaking out from all the ghost stories that Nat was telling (if you do read this, remember the wind XD). She moved us to a brighter place, outside the hostel office. Then there we were so happy that we could finally do our work in a more workable place and stuff. CMF wasn't happy that she couldn't throw her masking tape, so she lowered it down to us anyway with twine. XD thanks for the twine Mel! So there we sat, working on our head furiously against the deadline the nice teacher set for us. Me and Nat called our dad in again (Yay to dads!) and they helped us attached the frills on. So now we have a frilled dragon, with whiskers that actually looks like a dragon. If you see it on black and white TV. So we finished up the dragon, decided to leave the headgear attachment and painting to later, and packed up. Jingmin got home safely, and both me and Nat went home in our respective cars. Clock, 2:04am.

There, 2am, no dinner, very sleepy, excess of masking tape, dragon… mostly done. And 2 very pissed off security guards XD. Job done!


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who helped us with the dragon: Nat, Jingmin, for being there at the scene all the way and helping; Aaron, for helping with ½ the work and his masking tape XD; CMF for being extremely helpful at 12am in the morning, providing masking tape; Mel for her twine; both security guards for being extremely patient to 3 overenthusiastic students; nice teacher for being nice; last but far from the least, both Dads for being super helpful and supportive! I mean, whose dad will come down at 1am in the morning to school to help their kids on a head? Twice?


For those with migraines, here you go:


Why Migraines Strike

Biologists finally are unraveling the medical mysteries of migraine, from aura to pain

By David W. Dodick and J. Jay Gargus

For the more than 300 million people who suffer migraines, the excruciating, pulsating pain that characterizes these debilitating headaches needs no description. For those who do not, the closest analogous experience might be severe altitude sickness: nausea, acute sensitivity to light, and searing, bed-confining headache. "That no one dies of migraine seems, to someone deep into an attack, an ambiguous blessing," wrote Joan Didion in the 1979 essay "In Bed" from her collection The White Album.

Historical records suggest the condition has been with us for at least 7,000 years, yet it continues to be one of the most misunderstood, poorly recognized and inadequately treated medical disorders. Indeed, many people seek no medical care for their agonies, most likely believing that doctors can do little to help or will be downright skeptical and hostile toward them. Didion wrote "In Bed" almost three decades ago, but some physicians remain as dismissive today as they were then: "For I had no brain tumor, no eyestrain, no high blood pressure, nothing wrong with me at all: I simply had migraine headaches, and migraine headaches were, as everyone who did not have them knew, imaginary."

Migraine is finally starting to get the attention it deserves. Some of that attention is the result of epidemiological studies revealing just how common these headaches are and how incapacitating: a World Health Organization report described migraine as one of the four most disabling chronic medical disorders. Additional concern results from recognition that such headaches and their aftermaths cost the U.S. economy $17 billion a year in lost work, disability payments and health care expenses. But most of the growing interest comes from new discoveries in genetics, brain imaging and molecular biology. Though of very different natures, those findings seem to converge and reinforce one another, making researchers hopeful that they can get to the bottom of migraine's causes and develop improved therapies to prevent them or halt them in their tracks.

The Ascent of Vapors
Any plausible explanation of migraine needs to account for a wide and varied set of symptoms. The frequency, duration, experience and catalysts of episodes differ greatly. Victims have, on average, one or two daylong attacks every month. But 10 percent get them weekly, 20 percent experience them for two to three days, and up to 14 percent have them more than 15 days a month. Often the pain strikes just one side of the head, but not always. Migraines in people prone to them can be set in motion by such a variety of events that they seem inescapable; alcohol, dehydration, physical exertion, menstruation, emotional stress, weather changes, seasonal changes, allergies, sleep deprivation, hunger, altitude and fluorescent lights are all cited as triggers. Migraines occur in all ages and both genders, yet women between the ages of 15 and 55 are disproportionately hit—two thirds of cases occur in this population.

Physicians over the years have proposed many reasons for why these headaches arise. Galen in ancient Greece attributed them to the ascent of vapors, or humors, from the liver to the head. Galen's description of hemicrania—a painful disorder affecting approximately one half of the head—is indeed what we refer to as migraine today: the old word "hemicrania" eventually became "megrim" and ultimately  "migraine."

Blood flow replaced humors as the culprit in the 17th century, and this vascular hypothesis held sway, with few exceptions, until the 1980s. The accepted idea, based on the observations and inferences of several physicians, including Harold G. Wolff of New York–Presbyterian Hospital, was that migraine pain stems from the dilation and stretching of brain blood vessels, leading to the activation of pain-signaling neurons. Wolff thought the headache was preceded by a drop in blood flow brought about by the constriction of these same blood vessels.

Fresh observations from brain scans have altered understanding of the vascular changes. It turns out that in many the pain is preceded not by a decrease in blood flow but by an increase—an increase of about 300 percent. During the headache itself, though, blood flow is not increased; in fact, circulation appears normal or even reduced. Not only has the specific understanding of blood flow changed, but so has the prevailing view of the root of migraine. Migraine is now thought to arise from a disorder of the nervous system—and likely from the most ancient part of that system, the brain stem.

Aura's Origin
This newer insight has come mainly from studying two aspects of migraine: the aura, which precedes the pain in 30 percent of sufferers, and the headache itself. The term "aura" has been used for nearly 2,000 years to describe the sensory hallucinations immediately preceding some epileptic seizures; for 100 years or so, it has also been used to describe the onset of many migraines. (Epilepsy may occur in people with migraine, and vice versa; the reasons are under investigation.) The most common form of aura is a visual illusion of brilliant stars, sparks, flashes of light, lightning bolts or geometric patterns, which are often followed by dark spots in the same shape as the original bright image. For some people, the aura can include a feeling of tingling or weakness, or both, on one side of the body as well as speech impairment. Usually the aura precedes the headache, but it may start after the pain begins and persist through it.

Aura appears to stem from cortical spreading depression—a kind of "brainstorm" anticipated as the cause of migraine in the writings of 19th-century physician Edward Lieving. Although biologist Aristides Leão first reported the phenomenon in animals in 1944, it was experimentally linked to migraine only recently. In more technical terms, cortical spreading depression is a wave of intense nerve cell activity that spreads through an unusually large swath of the cortex (the furrowed, outer layer of the brain), especially the areas that control vision. This hyperexcitable phase is followed by a wave of widespread, and relatively prolonged, neuronal inhibition. During this inhibitory phase, the neurons are in a state of "suspended animation," during which they cannot be excited.

Neuronal activity is controlled by a carefully synchronized flow of sodium, potassium and calcium ions across the nerve cell membrane through channels and pumps. The pumps keep resting cells high in potassium and low in sodium and calcium. A neuron "fires," releasing neurotransmitters, when the inward flow of sodium and calcium through opened channels depolarizes the membrane—that is, when the inside of the cell becomes positively charged relative to the outside. Normally, cells then briefly hyperpolarize: they become strongly negative on the inside relative to the outside by allowing potassium ions to rush out. Hyperpolarization closes the sodium and calcium channels and returns the neurons to their resting state soon after firing. But neurons can remain excessively hyperpolarized, or inhibited, for a long time following intense stimulations.

The phases of hyperexcitability followed by inhibition that characterize cortical spreading depression can explain the changes in blood flow that have been documented to occur before migraine pain sets in. When neurons are active and firing, they require a great deal of energy and, thus, blood—just what investigators see during brain scans of patients experiencing aura. But afterward, during inhibition, the quiet neurons need less blood.

Various other observations support the idea that cortical spreading depression underlies aura. When recorded by advanced imaging technology, the timing of the depolarizing wave dovetails neatly with descriptions of aura. The electrical wave travels across the cortex at a rate of two to three millimeters a minute, and the visual illusions that accompany aura are exactly those that would arise from an activation spreading across the cortical fields at just that rate. The suite of sensations that aura can entail—visual, sensory, motor—suggest that corresponding areas of the cortex are affected in sequence as the "storm" crosses them. The dark spots that patients experience after the bright hallucinations are consistent with neuronal inhibition in the regions of the visual cortex that have just experienced the hyperexcitability.

Genetic studies have offered a clue to why cortical spreading depression occurs in some migraine sufferers. Nearly all migraine is thought to be a common complex polygenetic disorder—in the same camp as diabetes, cancer, autism, hypertension and many other disorders. Such diseases run in families. Identical twins are much more likely to share migraine than fraternal twins are, indicating a strong genetic component. But the disease is clearly not caused by a single genetic mutation; rather a person apparently becomes susceptible by inheriting mutations in a number of genes, each probably making a small contribution. Nongenetic components operate as well, because even identical twins are "discordant" for the disorder: sometimes one twin will suffer from migraine, and the other will not.

Investigators do not know which genes increase susceptibility to migraine and its aura in the general population, but studies of people affected by a rare form of the disorder, called familial hemiplegic migraine, indicate that flaws in neuronal ion channels and pumps cause the aura and pain in these patients. Notably, three genes have been shown to carry mutations that individually are potent enough to cause the disease—and all three encode neuronal ion channels and pumps. What is more, the genes are altered by mutations that increase the excitability of nerve cells, presumably by altering the properties of the encoded ion channels and pumps. These findings strongly support the idea that migraine could be a channelopathy, a newly recognized type of disease that arises from disturbances in ion transport systems—a known cause of ailments such as cardiac arrhythmia and seizures.

It is not clear whether malfunctioning ion pumps and channels are the only means by which aura can be produced. Nor is it clear that the common forms of migraine involve perturbations in the three genes implicated in familial hemiplegic migraine. But the genetic insights remain very exciting because they suggest a relation between cortical spreading depression and ion channel problems, one that could prove crucial to designing new medications.

From Aura to Ache
At the same time that researchers have been making headway in understanding the relation between aura and cortical spreading depression, they have been probing the source of migraine pain—the headache that is felt in those who experience aura as well as those who do not. The immediate source of the pain itself is obvious. Although most regions of the brain do not register or transmit pain signals, a network of nerves called the trigeminal nerve system does. These neurons carry pain signals from the membranes that surround the brain, called the meninges, as well as from the blood vessels that infuse the membranes. Pain is relayed through the trigeminal network to an area called the trigeminal nucleus in the brain stem and, from there, can be conveyed up through the thalamus to the sensory cortex, which is involved in our awareness of pain and other senses. What first activates the trigeminal nerves in migraine, however, is under debate. There are essentially two schools of thought.

Some researchers contend that cortical spreading depression directly stimulates the trigeminal nerves. As the wave of hyperexcitability travels across the cortex, it brings about the release of neurotransmitters, such as glutamate and nitric oxide, as well as of ions. These chemicals serve as messengers that induce the trigeminal nerves to transmit pain signals. Researchers have observed in animals that cortical spreading depression does indeed activate the trigeminal nerves in this way.

That pathway to pain could even explain what happens in patients who do not experience aura. According to this view, cortical spreading depression might occur in areas of the cortex whose activation produces no outward symptoms before the onset of pain. Or spreading depression might occur in subcortical regions in certain people and stimulate the trigeminal nerves. In this case, although patients may not experience aura, the basic physiology would be the same as in those who do. Good evidence supports this hypothesis. Spreading depression can be evoked in laboratory animals in subcortical regions.

Moreover, the changes in cerebral blood flow that reflect the phases of cortical excitation and subsequent inhibition in migraine sufferers with aura have also been seen in people who experience migraine without aura; those patients, too, show a large increase in blood flow followed by normal or reduced flow. This finding raises the possibility that cortical spreading depression is fundamental to migraine but that only in some instances does it give rise to visual symptoms recognized as aura. Instead the process might generate less obvious symptoms, such as fatigue or difficulty concentrating. The finding may also explain why many people who experience aura will at times undergo attacks without it.

Other investigators place the root of migraine pain not in cortical or subcortical spreading depression but in the brain stem—Grand Central Station for information passing to and from the body and the brain. It is also home to the control center for alertness, perception of light and noise, cerebral blood flow, respiration, sleep-wake cycles, cardiovascular function and, as described earlier, pain sensitivity.

Positron-emission tomography has revealed that three clusters of cells, or nuclei, in thebrain stem—the locus coeruleus, raphe nucleus and periaqueductal gray—are active during and after migraine. According to this hypothesis, abnormal activity in those nuclei could induce pain in two ways. The nuclei normally inhibit trigeminal neurons within the trigeminal nucleus, continuously saying, in effect, "don't fire." The nuclei's misbehavior could impair this ability and thus allow the trigeminal neurons to fire even when the meninges send no pain signals. In that situation, the trigeminal nucleus would relay pain messages to the sensory cortex in the absence of incoming pain signals from the meninges or blood vessels. The three nuclei might also trigger spreading depression.

Researchers have noted that if one were to alter a part of the brain stem so as to bring about other symptoms of migraine as well, including aura, the place to do it would be these three nuclei. One of their most important functions is to control the flow of sensory information—such as light, noise, smell and pain—that reaches the sensory cortex. Occasional dysfunction in these clusters of cells could therefore explain why migraine sufferers may experience sensitivity to light, sound and odors.

In addition, the activity of these cells is modulated by the behavioral and emotional state of the individual—factors that can trigger migraines. These brain stem areas receive input from only two areas of the cortex, the limbic and paralimbic cortices, regions that regulate arousal, attention and mood. Through its connection with the brain stem, the limbic cortex affects the functioning of the rest of the cortex—a fact that might explain how emotional and psychological stress could catalyze migraines, why mood fluctuates during migraine, and why there is an association between migraine and depression and anxiety disorders, both of which occur more commonly in migraine sufferers than in others.

Finally, the spontaneous, pacemakerlike activity of the raphe nucleus neurons—crucial to regulating pain pathways, circadian rhythms and sleep-wake cycles—depends on the perfect working of ion channels in neurons of that region and on the neurons' release of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin into other brain areas. Such neurotransmission may be an ancient mechanism that is perturbed in migraine: experiments in the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans have revealed that two genes very like those mutated in familial hemiplegic migraine are critical regulators of serotonin release. This finding opens the possibility that mutations in ion channels may lead to aberrant function in these brain stem areas and perhaps, as a result, to hyperexcitability in the cortical areas they influence.

The question then becomes, Does pain typically arise from the intrinsic hyperexcitability of cortical neurons (which leads to cortical spreading depression, activation of meningeal trigeminal pain fibers and the pain of a migraine)? Or does some glitch in brain stem activity incite the pain (by directly rendering the trigeminal neurons spontaneously active or by facilitating cortical spreading depression, or both)? The latter scenario is more convincing to some researchers because the pivotal control exerted by the brain stem over so many aspects of our experience could explain the varied symptoms of migraine.

What the Future May Hold
At the moment, only a few drugs can prevent migraine. All of them were developed for other diseases, including hypertension, depression and epilepsy. Because they are not specific to migraine, it will come as no surprise that they work in only 50 percent of patients—and, in them, only 50 percent of the time—and induce a range of side effects, some potentially serious.

Recent research on the mechanism of these antihypertensive, antiepileptic and antidepressant drugs has demonstrated that one of their effects is to inhibit cortical spreading depression. The drugs' ability to prevent migraine with and without aura therefore supports the school of thought that cortical spreading depression contributes to both kinds of attacks. Using this observation as a starting point, investigators have come up with novel drugs that specifically inhibit cortical spreading depression. Those drugs are now being tested in migraine sufferers with and without aura. They work by preventing gap junctions, a form of ion channel, from opening, thereby halting the flow of calcium between brain cells.

The medicines prescribed for use during an attack have been as problematic as the ones used preventively. Triptans—as the class of drug is called—constrict blood vessels throughout the body, including coronary arteries, seriously limiting their use. These treatments were developed based on the mistaken idea that blood vessel dilation caused the pain and thus constriction was necessary to alleviate it.

It now appears that triptans ease migraine by interrupting the release of messenger molecules—specifically calcitonin gene–related peptide—from trigeminal nerves that feed signals into the trigeminal nucleus. The interruption blocks those trigeminal nerves from communicating with the brain stem's pain-transmitting network of neurons. It is also possible that triptans prevent such communication by operating in the thalamus and the periaqueductal gray.

The new understanding of triptan activity has opened up possibilities for drug development, including a focus on calcitonin gene–related peptide. Several medicines that block the action of that pain-producing neurotransmitter are in clinical trials, and they appear not to constrict arteries. In addition, researchers are devising therapies that target other trigeminal neurotransmitters, such as glutamate and nitric oxide, in a further effort to interrupt the communication between trigeminal nerves innervating the meninges and the trigeminal nucleus in the brain stem. These compounds will be the first specifically designed to combat migraine during an attack by targeting neurons without constricting blood vessels.

Researchers have also examined nonpharmaceutical approaches. A handheld device that transmits brief pulses of magnetic stimulation is being evaluated, for example, for the treatment of migraine with and without aura. The premise is that this technology, called transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS, may interrupt cortical spreading depression and possibly prevent pain from arising or progressing.

For millions of people, these developments mark a breakthrough—not only in terms of relief from pain if all goes well but also in regard to attitudes about migraine. Scientists and physicians are finally coming to see migraine for the complex, biologically fascinating process it is and to recognize its powerfully debilitating effects. The disorder is "imaginary" no longer.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Mr Valles, here's evidence that math is not innate.

it seems 1, 2, many, much doesn't even put it.

Counting is one of the first things we teach our kids. I mean, every parent’s probably said, “You had better be in that bed by the time I count to three.” Followed by “One…two…two-and-a-half…” But counting might not be as universal as it seems. Because scientists from M.I.T. have found that a tribe living in the Amazon has no words for numbers.
Back in 2004, the M.I.T. team reported that the Piraha people seemed to have terms that described “one,” “two,” or “many.” This was based on asking tribe members to count objects, like sticks or nuts or AA batteries, as the researchers laid them out. This time, the scientists had the subjects count backward as they removed things. And they discovered that tribe members used the word previously thought to mean “two” for as many as five or six objects. And they used the word “one” for anything less than that. So the words don’t stand for numbers, so much as relative amounts. The findings appear in the online edition of the journal Cognition.
Although the Piraha people might not need numbers, think of what they’re missing. “A large number of trombones led the big parade, with an even larger number of cornets close at hand…”

Thursday, July 17, 2008

This bird is pro….


I wonder how to rip that video and embed it in my blog though..

New findings for TEMs

Wow, finally we can actually see a hydrogen atom directly…

Single atoms spied on graphene sliver

Electron microscope spots hydrogen atoms resting on invisible carbon sheet.

Katharine Sanderson

The smallest of atoms can now be seen sitting in splendid isolation with a standard transmission electron microscope, thanks to the most fashionable form of carbon, graphene.

The technique, developed by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, could help to produce images of individual molecules in atomic detail using relatively conventional laboratory kit. The research is reported in this week's Nature1.

A transmission electron microscope (TEM) works by firing a beam of electrons through a very thin sample supported by a scaffold. Electrons are scattered to different degrees by different atoms — heavier atoms containing more electrons tend to repel the electron beam to a greater extent, which translates as a brighter spot in the TEM image.

The transmission electron microscope reveals hydrogen atoms (purple) lying on a graphene sheet (red) with a single carbon atom (yellow tipped) in the centre.Nature

"Historically, light atoms have been very hard to image in the TEM," says Alex Zettl, who led the team. The problem is that in many fields of science, light atoms such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen – the four major components of organic molecules – are the most interesting to study.

The solution arrived thanks to a little bit of luck, recalls Jannik Meyer, who was part of the Berkeley team but now works at the University of Ulm in Germany. Meyer was using standard laboratory TEM to study an individual sheet of graphene — which comprises a single layer of carbon atoms arranged into a flat, honeycomb pattern.

But he noticed that tiny impurities were sitting on top of the graphene sheet. "We were just trying to get the best signal-to-noise ratio," explains Meyer. "But I was surprised to see these atoms and see how stable they were."

By comparing the changes in the electron beam to theoretical values for the expected scattering, the team verified that they were indeed seeing single carbon and hydrogen atoms. Meyer thinks that the atoms form chemical bonds with the graphene, and that these hold them in place long enough to be detected with the TEM.

And the evenly-spaced carbon atoms in graphene are so close together that they are almost invisible to the TEM, making stray atoms even more conspicuous. "If you put additional atoms on top of the [graphene] grid, the grid is giving you a background," says Zettl.

High hopes

"This is something that was a little unexpected," says John Silcox, who develops electron spectroscopy techniques at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. "Having an atomic grid that seems to be so stable and robust under an electron beam is going to be a great boost to seeing how individual atoms interact," he says. "I have high hopes that it will improve the ability to determine where the atoms are in sizeable molecules."

Small hydrocarbon chains were also present as contaminants in the TEM's sample chamber, and Meyer managed to film them as they moved around on the graphene surface. This means that small molecules could potentially be tracked as they react, or the mechanics of DNA followed in great detail, Zettl suggests.

Graphene grids could easily be used with any standard TEM, improving the sensitivity vastly, says Zettl, adding that his own is by no means the highest resolution on the market.

"In principle, using our sample foil with a higher-resolution machine you would be able to see every atom in a molecule," says Zettl. "I think a lot of people will jump forward and start using this in their TEMs. They'll be able to image whatever molecules and atoms they like."

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I feel like an idiot

Ok, assuming I have 2 cards, a card that's black on both sides, and a card that is black on one side and white on the other. I get the double black, and you get the black white. We place both cards in a bag, and draw one, with the black facing up. If a black is not facing up, it doesn't count cos the suspense is lost. So the unknown black card is placed on the table, and then opened. If it is your card, you get a point. If it is mine, I get a point. First to 10 points win. So, there are 2 possibilities each round. The bottom is either black or white. Therefore chance is 50-50.

Seems like a fair game? It's not. Think about it. There are 4 possible ways to draw the card, 3 blacks and 1 white for both cards. I discard the white option, so essentially, only 3 ways are accepted. 2 of which is my card and 1 of which is yours. So, the actual chance of winning is 66.67-33.33. That's not the main thing. The main question is now this: what is the chance that you win the game? The number of draws is not fixed, since if I'm really lucky, 10 draws are enough to win the game. If you are lucky enough to break even, 19 draws are required to end the game. The number of draws depends on both my outcome and your outcome. Thus, it is no geometric distribution right? The chance of winning each round is 1/3 for you, but each game there's a different number of rounds. So how do you calculate? The answer is below, but don't spoiler yourself till you're really stuck. By the way, if you are wondering, the chance of you winning is about 6.48%. see if you get that.

























































It is disturbingly simple. Regardless of how many times you try, in 19 rounds, only one will win. That is the person who gets 10 points or more. So, the entire model is essentially a sum of 10 binomial distributions: binomcdf(19,1/3, 10,19) or the chance that you get 10 points in 19 tries, 11 points in 19 tries.. then sum the lot. Now I really feel like an idiot.


Sunday, July 6, 2008

Lux cars?

Oh right, yesterday's news, biggest irony of the week. The number of sales of mass production cars has gone down dramatically while the sales of really expensive sports models have gone up. This follows the worldwide phenomena of rising oil prices. Right. So now, less people buy mass production cars, which are more economical, because of rising oil prices and buy more sports cars instead. WHY THE HELL DO YOU WANT TO BUY SPORTS CARS IN SINGAPORE?? "oh! Rising oil prices! We must buy sports cars in a country where the fastest road allows you to travel at a grand 100km per hour! (taking into account you are allowed to exceed the speed limit by at most 10km/hr) also, since we're driving 2.4 to 3.2 litre cars, the increase in petrol consumption for the same bloody distance will save us lots of money! AND save the world by increasing the amount of CO2 in the air too! Not taking into account the completely affordable $1.3m!"

Seriously, what is the problem with these people? A Ferrari ain't gonna get you to your destination any faster than a Toyota corolla in Singapore! If you're gonna spend 1.3mil on a car for its coolness, how bloody cool is a Porsche in a traffic jam? How cool is a car that makes a bloody hell of a noise when travelling at a miserable 60km/hr in orchard road? What? You find it cool to stop at every traffic light with a roar? Or you love to make a flying start only to stop at the next one? oh what? You're not gonna drive it? When why buy the damn car?? "hey folks, check out my cool Lamborghini! Bought it at a couple hundred grand. Oh and guess what? I've never driven it before!"

What the hell la!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Different from animals

Looks like we really are different from other animals:

A difference in one molecule led physician Ajit Varki to question what sets humans apart from other apes. Bruce Lieberman meets a man who sees a big picture in the finer points.

Bruce Lieberman


The human body does not welcome an injection of horse serum. Ajit Varki discovered this when, as a young San Diego doctor in 1984, he administered some to a woman with bone-marrow failure. The serum was a standard treatment intended to stop the woman's T cells from destroying her bone marrow. But it was also known to prompt a reaction called 'serum sickness' and, sure enough, the patient broke out in hives a week after treatment — the result, Varki assumed, of her immune system's assault on proteins from another species.

Soon after observing his patient's reaction, Varki learned that proteins weren't the only thing to blame. So were sialic acids, sugars that carpet the surface of mammalian cells. Some studies had suggested that the human immune system reacted against one sialic acid called N-glycolyl neuraminic acid (Neu5Gc) in the horse serum. "How can that be?" Varki remembers thinking. "How can you have a reaction against sialic acid? It's everywhere. All mammals have sialic acid." Varki wondered whether humans might in fact be the only mammal that lacked Neu5Gc.

A physician and biochemist by training, Varki had already embarked on a career in the relatively new field of glycobiology, the study of the sugar chains that decorate many proteins and lipids inside and outside the cell. But it was another 14 years before he got the chance to answer his original question. In 1998, he and his colleagues used high-performance liquid chromatography to analyse blood samples from chimps, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans and humans. They found that humans are indeed the only primates missing Neu5Gc1 and that human cells are instead rich in another sialic acid, N-acetyl neuraminic acid (Neu5Ac).

A career in evolution

These findings started Varki off on a road that led to his becoming not only a leading glycobiologist but a respected 'honorary' palaeo-anthropologist. He is one of the co-founders and directors of the multidisciplinary Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA) — a research collaboration between the University of California, San Diego, and the Salk Institute in nearby La Jolla. The centre was launched in March this year with a US$3-million grant from the G. Harold & Leila Y. Mathers Foundation, based in New York state.

Tests of Homo antecessor fossils could help confirm the loss of Neu5Gc early in human evolution.J. TRUEBA/MSF/SPL

The 'Anthropogeny' in the centre's title resurrects a term for the study of both the evolution and the individual development of human beings that would have been familiar to earlier generations of anthropologists. To Varki, the word encapsulates some of the biggest questions in the study of human origins, such as how, why and when the human brain evolved its present functions. One of his latest research projects is a collaboration with Spanish palaeontologist Juan Luis Arsuaga, of the Complutense University of Madrid, for the biochemical analysis of 900,000-year-old Homo antecessor fossils from Atapuerca in northern Spain, some of the oldest hominid bones yet found in Europe. What Varki is looking for is evidence that Neu5Gc was lost very early in human evolution. He believes that the fact that humans, and only humans, have lost Neu5Gc could be implicated in the emergence of hominid species.

The journey from glycobiologist to director of a multidisciplinary human origins centre has been fuelled by Varki's insatiable desire for knowledge. "The guy is just an encyclopaedia," says glycobiologist Mark Lehrman at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. "Even though he wasn't trained in anthropology, he's been able to educate himself in this area and become an authority. It's a remarkable gift to be able to do that and do it well."

Varki initially trained as a general medical doctor at the Christian Medical College in Vellore, India. To pursue a dual medical and research career, he went to the United States, eventually taking up a fellowship under Stuart Kornfeld at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri, in the late 1970s.

Kornfeld was beginning his work on sugar chains, including sialic acids, and Varki was intrigued by the opportunity to contribute to a largely unexplored area of biology. In 1982, he set up his own glycobiology lab at the University of California, San Diego, where he still works today.

On a molecular level, the difference between Neu5Gc and Neu5Ac is tiny — a single added oxygen atom perched on one arm distinguishes one from the other (see graphic). But on a biological level, the difference could be enormous. "We thought if monkeys and all of our closest relatives have Neu5Gc and humans don't, then there must be a molecular basis for that," Varki says. He subsequently found it in an enzyme that converts Neu5Ac to Neu5Gc, but which is disabled by mutation in humans2.

Selection pressure

Varki's discovery pointed to a definitive difference that set chimps and humans biochemically apart, says Morris Goodman, an evolutionary biologist at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. It was one of the first such differences to be found, and because sialic acids serve many biological roles, primarily as cell-recognition and cell-adhesion molecules, it might explain some of the unique aspects of human biology. "What we're dealing with here is a gene loss that has an effect throughout the whole body," says Goodman.

At the time, Varki realized he knew little about human evolution except what he'd learned as an undergraduate or read in National Geographic. So he set out to educate himself. He took a short sabbatical at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center in Atlanta, Georgia. Reviewing the animals' medical records with a veterinarian, he learned that the centre had never seen a case of rheumatoid arthritis or bronchial asthma — common conditions in humans. Chimpanzees don't get sick from the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. Conversely, humans can't be infected with P. reichenowi, the malaria parasite that plagues chimpanzees.

"What we're dealing with here is a gene loss that has an effect throughout the whole body."

Morris Goodman

In subsequent work, Varki and his team showed that the different susceptibilities were due to the differences in sialic acids. P. reichenowi prefers to grab hold of Neu5Gc on chimp red blood cells, whereas P. falciparum favours Neu5Ac3. The researchers hypothesized that the selection pressure to evade P. reichenowi may have led humans to lose Neu5Gc and acquire resistance to this parasite — and that this loss may have helped to fuel the emergence of P. falciparum, which could gain entry by latching onto Neu5Ac instead. Other discoveries in Varki's lab — including ten other human-specific genetic changes affecting sialic acid function — may help to explain uniquely human vulnerabilities to conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis.

Varki's interest in human evolution soon extended far beyond chimps and their sugars. "I found he was talking with several people on campus," says neuroscientist Fred Gage at the Salk Institute, a long-time collaborator and friend. "I told him that it wasn't fair that he would have these one-on-one conversations and not share what was being talked about," he jokes.

Reimagining anthropogeny

Gage encouraged Varki to organize a series of informal seminars on human origins at the university. Between 1998 and 2007, the Project for Explaining the Origin of Humans drew in anthropologists, primate biologists, geneticists, immunologists, neuroscientists, linguists and many others. They discussed topics ranging from the evolution of language to the differences between humans, Neanderthals and Homo erectus, the first hominid to leave Africa. Goodman says the interdisciplinary nature of the series made it extremely important to the field. "You really had the chance to explore an issue as it relates to the evolutionary origins of our species," he says.

Differences in sialic acids between chimps and humans alter susceptibilities to some diseases.P. TWEEDIE/CORBIS

Varki's motivations were partly selfish: "One of my goals, my secret agenda, was to educate myself," he admits. "At the last meeting I asked the people who attended if I could have a bachelor's degree in anthropogeny." Varki estimates that he has listened to more than 300 talks on various aspects of this discipline. "The idea is the linguist needs to talk to the molecular biologist who needs to talk to the neuroscientist who needs to talk to the psychologist and philosopher about these issues," he says. "Most areas of human knowledge are somewhere relevant."

CARTA is a successor to the human origins series. Directed by Varki, Gage, Margaret Schoeninger, a professor of anthropology at the University of California, San Diego, and Pascal Gagneux, a primate biologist and Varki's close collaborator, the centre already has some 40 San Diego-based members and more than 100 in the rest of the United States and elsewhere in the world.

CARTA aims to foster connections between these researchers worldwide, facilitate access to resources for great-ape research, develop a peer-reviewed journal and offer courses on human origins. The project is in some ways comparable to the Leipzig School of Human Origins in Germany, an interdisciplinary PhD programme run jointly by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and Leipzig University since 2005. Varki says that CARTA will be more of a virtual organization and that "the effort should transcend disciplines", pointing as an example to his own work on sialic acids, which has required collaboration between biochemists, palaeontologists and physicians.

Acid test

Back in the lab, Varki and Gagneux will in the next few months embark on the preliminary analysis of animal fossils from Atapuerca, to see if they can detect preserved sialic acids using high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. If so, sialic acids are likely to be preserved in hominid fossils from the same strata and the researchers will test those next.

"Palaeontologists are usually seen as people interested in something that is finished and belongs to the past," Arsuaga says, "and usually the idea is missed that we are looking for an explanation of living humans." He says he was persuaded to let tests be done on the precious H. antecessor fossils because "the damage is not big" from current techniques that drill small amounts of powder from inside the bone.

"Understanding where we came from is very important to understanding where we're going."

Ajit Varki

Varki and Gagneux hope that these fossils may help to answer some grand hypotheses about Neu5Gc and its role in human evolution. They estimate that the mutation that caused the loss of Neu5Gc first appeared among human ancestors 2 million to 3 million years ago, which coincides with the emergence of H. erectus, and they believe that pathogens such as malaria may have initiated this change. They wonder whether the change in this ubiquitous sugar could have had other broad-ranging biological effects that helped create repro-ductive isolation between those with Neu5Gc and those without, and whether these effects could have contributed to the emergence of H. erectus, followed by H. antecessor. "Losing Neu5Gc may have been great for survival, but it may have forced you to forgo reproduction with a whole group of your former buddies who didn't undergo this change," Gagneux says. If they can show that Arsuaga's H. antecessor fossils also lack Neu5Gc, this will be yet more evidence in support of their hypothesis.

If ancient humans can't answer the speciation hypothesis, then perhaps mice will help. Varki and Gagneux have genetically engineered mice that lack the Neu5Gc sialic acid that humans are missing and Varki says that they display subtle human-like features4. Compared with wild-type mice, they have poor hearing, somewhat reminiscent of human age-related hearing loss, and slower wound healing, as do humans compared with non-human primates. Further studies should reveal whether these mice are able to reproduce with wild-type animals that still have Neu5Gc.

Varki's recent work has brought him back to the immune reaction he observed nearly 25 years ago. Even though humans don't make Neu5Gc, it is eaten in animal products that contain it, such as meat and milk. Varki and Gagneux wonder whether — among meat-eaters at least — Neu5Gc elicits an immune reaction that might contribute to a whole spectrum of human-specific diseases that are associated with chronic inflammation, including heart disease and cancer. Such diseases would not have been such a problem when humans had shorter life spans.

Food for thought

To test the idea, Gagneux took a trip to a local Whole Foods Market, loaded up a shopping cart with meat and dairy products and took them back to the lab for analysis. The researchers found the highest levels of Neu5Gc in lamb, pork and beef. "We swallowed big bowls of that and we collected every possible sample we could from ourselves in the following few weeks to see whether it shows up in our own glycoproteins," Gagneux says, "and the answer is yes, it does." The team has also found that many people carry antibodies targeted against the sugar5.

If their hypothesis holds up, it will illustrate how selection pressures change: where once selection favoured the loss of Neu5Gc to protect hominids from pathogens, now its absence could be making humans susceptible to other diseases. "Once you've lost it, you have to make do with what you have," Varki says.

For Varki, who began his professional life observing patients, these studies have brought him full circle. The molecules that made humans human may be the same ones that make us uniquely vulnerable to our most threatening diseases. "In some cases, they would be what I call the scars of our evolution," Varki says. "My experience has opened my mind to the fact that understanding human evolution, where we came from, is very important to understanding who we are and where we're going."

Bruce Lieberman is a freelance science writer based in San Diego.

The Schrödinger's cat

So, the cat is both dead and alive until we open the box. Scientists have found a way to peek into the box, and close it fast enough that at the end, the cat is still both dead and alive:

Physicists reverse quantum–classical transition.

Zeeya Merali


It's one of the most perplexing questions in physics: how does the seemingly exotic behaviour of tiny particles in the quantum realm collapse to create the classical reality observable in matter that is at least a molecule big? Now, an experiment further muddies the distinction between the two realms by demonstrating that it is possible to halt the transition from the quantum to the classical in its tracks — and reverse it. The achievement could provide quantum computing with a crucial capability (See 'A fix for quantum computers').

According to the 'Copenhagen interpretation' of quantum mechanics, arrived at in 1927, observing a quantum object disturbs its state, causing it to flit from quantum to classical realities. Before they are measured, atoms and subatomic particles do not have fixed properties, they exist in a 'superposition' in which they have many mutually contradictory properties.

The notion is exemplified by the paradox of Schrödinger's cat, a thought experiment in which a cat is locked in a box with a vial of poisonous gas that would be broken if a quantum particle was in one state, and remain intact if the particle was in another. While the box is closed, the particle exists in a superposition of both states simultaneously, so the poison must also simultaneously be both released and contained, and, in turn, the cat must be both alive and dead. When the box is opened, the quantum superposition collapses, and the cat is either killed or saved, in an instant.

Now, Nadav Katz at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and his colleagues have performed an experiment in which they pull a quantum state back from the brink of collapse, 'uncollapsing' it and returning it to its unobserved state. Effectively, they have peeked at Schrodinger's cat in its box, but saved it from near-certain death (N. Katz et al.

To physicists raised on the textbook Copenhagen interpretation, any notion of uncollapsing a quantum state seems "astonishing", says Markus Büttiker, a quantum physicist at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. "On opening the box, Schrödinger's cat is either dead or alive — there is no in between."

However, a more recent interpretation of quantum mechanics, 'decoherence theory', suggests that collapse does not occur instantaneously. Instead it plays out gradually as the quantum system slowly interacts with its environment (see Nature 453,
22–25; 2008). In 2006, Alexander Korotkov of the University of California, Riverside, and Andrew Jordan, of the University of Rochester in New York, proposed that this may leave open a time period in which experimenters could intervene to halt the collapse (A. N. Korotkov & A. N. Jordan Phys. Rev. Lett. 97,
166805; 2006). They provided blueprints for an experiment to test the idea, which Katz, Korotkov and their colleagues have now done.

Living dead

In place of Schrödinger's cat, Katz and his colleagues created a 'phase qubit', often used in quantum computing experiments, involving a superconducting circuit that is broken by an insulating junction. The qubit is made up of fluctuations in the average current flowing around this loop and is characterized by its 'phase', the degree that the current gets knocked out of step as it crosses the junction.

The qubit can have two different energies, high and low, and the team prepared the qubit so that it took on a superposition of both energy values simultaneously — an experimental equivalent of Schrödinger's cat being simultaneously alive and dead. Any attempt to measure the qubit's energy directly would permanently collapse the state into one of these two energy values — effectively opening Schrödinger's box. The trick is to avoid this total collapse by sneakily getting an indirect hint of the qubit's energy, explains Katz.

The team turned to a quantum property known as 'tunnelling', whereby quantum particles can overcome energy barriers when they seem to have too little energy to do so.

In this case, the team changed the average current running through the circuit to control the 'height' of a 'barrier' that would make it harder for the qubit to change phase. The barrier was strong enough to prevent a low-energy qubit from changing to a new phase, but a high-energy qubit state could be tempted to make the transition. So, looking at whether the qubit made the transition — creating a telltale burst of magnetic energy — can reveal something about the energy state of the qubit.

The least exciting result is if the qubit succeeds, says Katz. This means that it definitely fully collapsed into its high-energy state and tunnelled. "That's game over," says Katz. It's the equivalent of fully opening the box, seeing that the cat is definitely alive, and releasing it.

Time travel

It's when the qubit does not tunnel that things become more interesting. This means there is a good chance that it was in the lower level. However, crucially, you cannot know for sure, so this measurement does not completely collapse the system, says Katz. "We have peeked at the cat and then quickly shut the lid."

This 'weak' measurement does slightly disturb the system, however. If the experiment ended there, this disturbance would be enough to slowly drive the qubit towards a total collapse into the lower energy state, says Katz. His team has statistically confirmed this outcome by repeating the measurement on thousands of similarly prepared qubits and then terminating the experiment at this point. Measuring the qubit's state at this stage reveals that in the vast majority of cases, it collapses to the lower energy state. That is, on reopening the box, the cat is most likely to be found dead.

To uncollapse the state, the team had to catch the qubit before it completed this journey to complete collapse and "undo the damage that we had done", says Katz. They used a standard technique to swap the qubit's energy levels, by firing a specially prepared microwave pulse at it — turning a qubit in a high-energy level to one in a low level, and vice versa. Because of the swap, when they then repeated their weak measurement, they caused a disturbance that exactly cancelled the effects of their first measurement. The first time they peeked, they nudged the cat towards death, but the second time they nudged it towards life, leaving it back where it started, explains Katz.

Once again, the team confirmed statistically that the state had been returned to its original uncollapsed form — with a roughly equal probability of collapsing into either energy level — by performing multiple runs of the experiment. Measuring the state at the end of the experiment, they found that it was just as likely to be found in either the high- or low-energy state.

"The data are clear," says Büttiker. "This is a breakthrough experiment."

The result is a warning that our understanding of how classical reality emerges may be naive, says Vlatko Vedral, a quantum physicist at the University of Leeds, UK. "It tells us that we really can't assume that measurements create reality, because it is possible to erase the effects of a measurement and start again."

"The quantum world has become more tangible, and the nature of reality even more mysterious," adds quantum theorist Maximilian Schlosshauer of the University of Melbourne in Australia.